OTL: Michael Jordan Has Not Left The Building
A 2013 profile of Michael Jordan as he turned 50 is a well-wrought study of one of the most high profile professional athletes of all time.
A 2013 profile of Michael Jordan as he turned 50 is a well-wrought study of one of the most high profile professional athletes of all time.
The story of a strange outbreak at a Catholic school in Mexico in 2006. Girls reported pain in their legs, nausea, and fever. When the cases spread to hundreds of pupils, the government sent a psychiatrist specialised in adolescents experiencing psychosomatic illnesses to investigate. The story is currently being turned into a film.
An occasionally deeply tense read that examines the work of a “proper band of thieves” exploring deep parts of the sea.
The extraordinary story of how SimCity’s makers created business strategy simulation games for clients.
Google has created a compulsively addictive word game built on an AI trained on “billions of conversations from the internet”, with the goal of better predicting what words will come next in a conversation (for anyone feeling competitive the current Journal high score is just over 6000).
A beatifully designed and developed tribute to Dante’s The Divine Comedy, released 700 years after the work was written.
The compelling story of a hacker who stopped a massive cyber-attack, only to be arrested.
A 1998 story about The Last King of Scotlland and Idi Amin, written by the novelist Hillary Mantel.
A look at the former Google CEO’s engagement with the US military.