Inside Ivanka’s Dreamworld
A profile of Ivanka Trump examines the tightrope she must walk to manage her public image whilst working in her father’s administration.
A profile of Ivanka Trump examines the tightrope she must walk to manage her public image whilst working in her father’s administration.
A profile of Pete Buttigieg, a rank outsider in the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential primary field who is nevertheless making big waves.
A mammoth, blockbuster story in three parts examining the impact of the Murdoch media empire on its primary spheres of influences – America, Britain and Australia. The piece examines the macro and the micro – from global and national political trends to the Murdoch family relationships that would influence them.
A piece focusing on the negotiation process of leaving the EU, and how UK’s team has been comprehensively outmanoeuvred by their Brussels counterparts.
A none too flattering profile of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a man right at the heart of the American political system.
A look at Donald Trump’s prospects of surviving the Mueller enquiry, and his long track record of living life right on the edge of the precipice.
A look at the present and past of two essential commodities of the global economy.
A sobering look at the formative days of the Trump administration. One Obama administration aide puts it in stark terms – “It was so shocking to see this team come in a blur of chaos, disregarding legality and ethics and showing a deep hostility to the career professionals.”
Another look at Donald Trump’s bellicose National Security Advisor. The author proposes that John Bolton’s obsessive focus on the USA’s national interest to the exclusion of everything else has the potential to make him a tempering influence on the President.
A story that examines the Trump presidency to date, and weighs up his future prospects. The final sentence sums it (and him) up rather well – “Re-election seems just as likely as impeachment. He is fighting for his life, and he would rather sue than settle.”