Trump’s America

What Happened Here?

A collection of 20 stories shared in previous editions that together, go some way to telling the story of the Trump presidency.

It’s telling in its own way that in this administration where personalities were paramount, rather than covering legislative change or other signature issues, many of the pieces are profiles of characters in the Trump soap opera.

The edition comprises five sections:

The Man
The Family
The Team
Domestic Affairs
Foreign Affairs

Note that the story descriptions are contemporaneous to when they were first shared, so in some cases things will have changed. For instance, several of the people described in them have since been fired.


A story that examines the Trump presidency to date, and weighs up his future prospects. The final sentence sums it (and him) up rather well – “Re-election seems just as likely as impeachment. He is fighting for his life, and he would rather sue than settle.”

Devin Nunes’s Family Farm Is Hiding a Politically Explosive Secret

Devin Nunes is amongst President Trump’s most enthusiastic cheerleaders in Congress, so his family running a large scale dairy in Iowa employing undocumented workers would be politically inconvenient. The investigative aspect of the story is gripping – featuring uncomfortable interactions with Nunes family members, chance meetings in the local cafe, sit downs with the mayor and the priest, and being followed around town by mysterious white SUVs. Of even greater value perhaps are the nuanced portraits of Iowans carefully balancing politics, faith, immigration, the global economy, personal finances, and human relationships.