Day: March 8, 2020

Planet Plastic

“Since 1950, the world has created 6.3 trillion kilograms of plastic waste — and 91 percent has never been recycled even once” This is one of many damning statistics quoted in this expose on the plastics industry.

How do we know her?

Hillary Mantel displays her trademark historical insight, deftness of touch, and ability to create a sense of immediacy in this review of a 2017 book about the wealthy and influential 16th century noblewoman Margaret Pole.

Wikipedia Is the Last Best Place on the Internet

A look at the utopian vision of Wikipedia, the only not for profit in the top ten most visited sites on the web, and a journey through some of the tricky challenges inherent in creating any encyclopaedia, let alone an online one that is crowdsourced. Wikipedia is now so integrated into the web that its data arm powers all sorts of other services; a sign of its maturity to be sure, though also occasionally resulting in blips, such as when Apple’s Siri voice assistant “briefly thought Bulgaria’s national anthem was “Despacito”.