New York

Boss of the Beach

A story of power and patronage in a perhaps unexpected place, the New York beach lifeguarding fiefdom of Peter Stein, who presided over a network of lifeguards named by one as “La Cosa Nostra.”

Worst Roommate Ever

It started with a refusal to contribute to bills, then with bulbs started disappearing from her room and appearing in his. It got a lot worse.

Wonder Boy

A profile of Pete Buttigieg, a rank outsider in the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential primary field who is nevertheless making big waves.

Attack, Attack, Attack

After a period out in the cold, President Trump’s controversial adviser Steve Bannon is apparently back in the inner circle. The piece contains illuminating details, including the assertion that Bannon owns a portrait representing his own face on Napoleon’s body – a gift from Nigel Farage.

The Internet Apologizes

A conversation with 13 “architects” of the internet as it is today, with employment histories at Google, Facebook, Uber and other tech leviathans. The piece explores, in 15 steps, how apparently idealistic intentions resulted in today’s messy state of affairs.

The Uninhabitable Earth

Published this month, The Uninhabitable Earth is apparently the most read article in New York Magazine’s history. The piece proposes that the impact of climate change will be felt far sooner and far more severely that people realise. The piece is of interest in its own right, but has also provoked a strong response in the scientific community, including many climate change scientists who believe it overstates the case in an unhelpful manner.

President In-Law

A profile of Jared Kushner, a man who apparently until recently espoused “inoffensively Bloombergian political values”, now Senior Adviser to his father-in-law, President-Elect Trump.