The Political Legacy of Helmut Kohl
A deep look at the life, career and political legacy of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who died this week. Kohl presided over the reunification of Germany and was a proponent of European integration.
A deep look at the life, career and political legacy of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who died this week. Kohl presided over the reunification of Germany and was a proponent of European integration.
An investigative piece focusing on the UAE’s ambassador to Washington, Yousef Al Otaiba.
A piece assessing the waning fortunes of South Africa’s far right organisations.
New Yorker Editor David Remnick’s piece on Donald Trump starts with a reference to the infamous Roman Emperor Nero and goes from there.
A piece examining the significant impact of new, highly partisan independent publications on the UK election and the failure of the right-wing press to destroy Jeremy Corbyn.
A story looking at what happens to the Islamic State fighters of Iraq in defeat, and in death.
A profile of George Osborne and his renewed lease of political life as editor of the Evening Standard. The piece contains insider comment including a memorable line they report the former chancellor throwing out about Theresa May – that he won’t stop until she is “is chopped up in bags in my freezer”.
An analysis of China’s infrastructure investment in countries in their geo-political orbit, viewed in light of the recent decision by Malaysia to rebuff an investment over concerns that it poses risks to their political autonomy.