
What Happened to Aung San Suu Kyi?

Ben Rhodes, a former advisor to Barack Obama, writes about Aung San Suu Kyi’s journey from icon of democratic protest, to working as part of a regime committing ethnic cleansing. Some readers are suggesting that her former position only ever amounted to Western democracies projecting what they wanted to see.

Kamala Harris Makes Her Case

A political profile that goes beyond the norms of the format, particularly in exploring the dynamics of San Francisco power networks that helped forge Kamala Harris’s political career. Harris’s poll numbers spiked after an impressive performance in the recent Democratic primary debates.

The Two Jacobs

James Meek on the dual characters of Jacob Rees-Mogg and their impact on Brexit Britain. Jacob 1 – “a member of Parliament performing a rolling re-enactment of steak-and-kidney-pudding Edwardian Britishness”, and Jacob 2 – “master of the spreadsheet…shrugging off the opening and closing of factories in this or that country as no more than the fluttering of gills on Mammon’s throat.”