
Behemoth, bully, thief: how the English language is taking over the planet

Far from being under threat as is sometimes claimed, the English language’s global dominance appears to be stronger than ever. Not only is it on a user acquisition spree that would make any tech startup jealous, but it has also turned into a “net exporter” of words, infiltrating other languages with Anglicisms. This piece examines these and other ways in which it is asserting its position as the first “hypercentral” language.

4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump

A message board allowing users to post anonymously has played a significant role in the recent history of internet culture (think – the birthplace of the meme), the development of new extreme right movements sometimes called the ‘alt-right’, and the series of events that put Trump in the White House.

The Lord and The Patriot

The story of how Chechnya’s ruler Ramzan Kadyrov uses sport to project and consolidate his power. Stunts include organising a mixed martial arts bout for children featuring his own sons, aged between eight and eleven.