A whiff of scandal

Salvator Mundi

A mixture of auction house intrigue and sharp practices in the arts world meets the geo-politics of Trump, Russia and the Saudi royal family.

Devin Nunes’s Family Farm Is Hiding a Politically Explosive Secret

Devin Nunes is amongst President Trump’s most enthusiastic cheerleaders in Congress, so his family running a large scale dairy in Iowa employing undocumented workers would be politically inconvenient. The investigative aspect of the story is gripping – featuring uncomfortable interactions with Nunes family members, chance meetings in the local cafe, sit downs with the mayor and the priest, and being followed around town by mysterious white SUVs. Of even greater value perhaps are the nuanced portraits of Iowans carefully balancing politics, faith, immigration, the global economy, personal finances, and human relationships.

The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies

This one could run and run. Of all the forms of cyber warfare, hacking the hardware (i.e physical machines), is perhaps the hardest to pull off. It also has the potential to be the most damaging. The story alleges that cloud servers owned by Super Micro, a big player in the tech infrastructure industry, contained tiny processors that could enable back door access to devices, programmes or networks that used them. Super Micro clients have included Amazon, Apple and numerous other blue chips, as well as several branches of the Federal government. The organisation that is alleged to have perpetrated the hack – the People’s Liberation Army of China.

From Russia With Blood

An in depth investigation by Buzzfeed News into the death of a British fixer in London points to Russian involvement, and to the death being the ninth in a series amongst a group of people linked to Boris Berezovsky, the oligarch who turned against the Kremlin. The piece also suggests that the British government did not investigate the death fully, rapidly naming it a suicide and moving on.