The Guardian

How the sandwich consumed Britain

If you have been looking for a deep dive into the macroeconomics, microeconomics, design process, supply chain, and key players of the sandwich industry, then this is for you. A surprisingly engaging piece looking at a phenomenally successful £8bn industry, that will also teach you the meaning of the term “goblin caves”.

Hugh Cudlipp Lecture 2018: James Harding

The former Director of BBC News and Editor of The Times asserts in this lecture that technology is damaging democracy. The piece is elevated from the multitude of others with a similar theme by its superior writing, wry humour, and effective deployment of numerous case studies from this time of “democratic recession”.

Revenge of the Tabloids

British tabloid newspapers were thought by many to be in irreversible decline due to falling print circulation and repeated scandals, yet they have had their enduring influence dramatically underlined by events in 2016.

How to spot a perfect fake: the world’s top art forgery detective

As the prices commanded by landmark works and artists rise ever higher, so too does the sophistication of forgeries being produced to dupe collectors and institutions. A tip: it’s apparently far easier to copy a Modigliani than a Leonardo – at a recent exhibition of his work, 20 out of the 21 works on display were found to be counterfeits. This piece profiles the man said to be the very best in the field of science-led authentication.

Who are the new jihadis?

The author analyses information available about terrorist attackers today and evaluates the theory that they are “violent nihilists who adopt Islam, rather than religious fundamentalists who turn to violence”.