Andrew Cuomo, a Man Alone

The Governor of New York is someone said to be having a ‘good crisis’, providing robust daily briefings and an all action style in taking on covid-19. This profile looks deeper into the workings of a man with fairly transparent ambitions on the biggest job in US politics.

The Fog of Rudy

The eventful career of Rudy Giuliani is examined in this compelling profile, culminating in his role as attorney to Donald Trump. As the author observes – “The real question is perhaps not ‘What happened to Rudy?’ It’s ‘What happened to us?’ Today, anything seems possible for those who are willing to say and do anything.”

The Wild Ones

The story of a groundbreaking research expedition down the Colorado River in 1938, undertaken by two female botanists out to prove people wrong. It’s a story at once personal and symbolic, with a narrative arc spanning over half a century.