
Alan Dershowitz, Devil’s Advocate

A deeply researched profile of the now notorious defence lawyer Alan Dershowitz. Dershowitz made his name with a string of high profile clients including Claus Von Bulow, O.J Simpson, Harvey Weinstein, and latterly Jeffrey Epstein.

There are places you cannot go

The story, spanning 40 years, of the friendship between Cambodian Nhek Veng Huor and the American Cindy Coleman. The story is haunted by the spectre of the murderous Khmer Rouge regime, under whose rule “one in four Cambodians died”.

The Crane Wife

A woman goes on a scientific free trip to observe water cranes in Texas days after calling off her engagement. In this powerful essay she reflects on the relationship she walked away from, and life ahead.

After Stevens

A 2010 profile of the former Supreme Court Justice John Stevens, who died this month. In the profile, the noted Supreme Court analyst Jeffrey Toobin describes him as the liberal leader of the court.

Secrets of the Magus

This 1993 profile of Ricky Jay, the inscrutable yet adored magician and scholar of the history of magic and conjuring, is one of the classics of the genre.

Outlaw Country

A dark story of a killing that took place in Klamath County, Oregon – extraordinarily remote and hard country.