
The Lord and The Patriot

The story of how Chechnya’s ruler Ramzan Kadyrov uses sport to project and consolidate his power. Stunts include organising a mixed martial arts bout for children featuring his own sons, aged between eight and eleven.

How to Fix Facebook – Before It Fixes Us

This piece has been doing the rounds in technology circles because of the unique profile of its author – a Facebook investor and mentor to Mark Zuckerberg. Having observed Facebook’s impact on US Elections and the UK EU Referendum, he issues a clarion call for reform.

The Spy Who Came Home

A story about Patrick Skinner, currently a local cop in Savannah, Georgia, but formerly a CIA case officer directly engaged in post-9/11 operations. The piece jumps between his two careers and relates how he is applying lessons from the CIA to community policing.

Why We’re Post-Fact

A piece explaining how we came to find ourselves in an era where our political leaders are freed from fact, allowing us all to “indulge in a full, anarchic liberation from coherence”.