No one in particular

Analysis of “The Uninhabitable Earth”

Climate Feedback is a platform created by scientists to highlight inaccuracy in media coverage of climate change (often that put forward by climate change skeptics) – they invited 17 scientists to comment on the article in their analysis piece. New York Magazine has felt sufficiently stung by the response to republish their piece complete with annotations and sources (this is the version we share here).

Eyes Aloft

An insight into the world of aviation enthusiasts. Their activity is memorably described – “Their interests are so basic that they seem abstract: to appreciate planes; to record them; to appreciate them by recording them; and to record their own passion for recording.” Yet the piece shows how the information that they gather about the comings and goings of air traffic (including military and VIP flights) can fan out into public and political life.

The Convert

The story of Tania Joya, who went from school in Barking to the conflict in Syria as the wife of a senior American ISIS member, to an affluent suburban life in Texas – all in a matter of years.

The Spy Who Came Home

A story about Patrick Skinner, currently a local cop in Savannah, Georgia, but formerly a CIA case officer directly engaged in post-9/11 operations. The piece jumps between his two careers and relates how he is applying lessons from the CIA to community policing.

A Case So Cold It Was Blue

A detailed look at how the LAPD cracked a 23-year-old cold case that reads like a television police procedural, complete with multiple competing theories, missing evidence, and a friendly chat with detectives that turns into a cat and mouse interrogation.

The Deepest Dig

The ocean bed is little understood and mapped by humans, and has been referred to as “the next best thing to another planet” from an astrobiological point of view. We don’t really know it at all, and yet we have figured out how to mine it.